Working The Lectionary
Rev. Brendan Byrne
Prior to his ordination as a Minister of the Word of the Uniting Church in Australia in 2011, Brendan Byrne worked variously as a securities officer in a financial institution, as an employee advocate in blue and white collar trade unions, and as a convenience store clerk working nights and graveyard shifts on weekends. He is presently in congregational ministry in Melbourne, Australia; is married and has a daughter; and is the creator and presenter of Ergasia: A Podcast of Work, Faith, Theology and Economics. Brendan is an Associate Member of the Religion and Social Policy Network of the University of Divinity (Melbourne).
Rev. John Bottomley
Ordained in the Methodist Church in 1974, John established the Urban Ministry Network in 1983 with other Uniting Church in Australia ministers called to non-stipended ministry in paid employment. The agency offered a research consultancy focussed on ministry in paid work. John’s research interests have addressed the trauma caused by the deep-seated violence in the way work is shaped by and shapes both our free-market economy and our political system of government. Since retiring from paid employment, John has established a consultancy, Transforming Work, is active in the Creative Ministries Network congregation’s house church, and is Chairperson of the Religion and Social Policy Network of the University of Divinity (Melbourne).